Welcome to my cycling blog!

Thanks for visiting this site and for your interest in my cycling journey.

As a teenager and into my mid twentys, I worked in bike shops in the greater Boston area and developed a deep love of riding. When I went into the insurance business, I no longer had the time or drive to continue devoting energy to the sport and, consequently, I let it fall by the wayside for almost 18 years.

Around 1999, driven by a middle-aged need for exercise, I bought a new bike and started riding again: partially for exercise but mostly for pleasure. That lasted about two years and then the bike was back in the garage gathering dust until 2010.

Late in 2009, I learned that a close friend had been diagnosed with cancer and, shortly after that, I learned that his sister-in-law, also a good friend, had also been diagnosed. The fact that my Dad and my Mother-in-law had both been taken by cancer made me think about what I could do to support these friends and the many other folks I know whom I discovered had also been affected by cancer.

I am not good at being a care giver or expressing my concern for folks who are ill. I don't know what to do or say and I feel like I probably make both the person I am supposed to be caring for and me more uncomfortable than if I just left them alone. However, I did discover something I could do: ride my bike and raise funds to fight cancer.

I have become a big fan of the Pan Mass Challenge (a focus of this blog as you will see) and decided to participate in this event for the first time in 2010. This blog will give you an idea of my PMC experiences but, hopefully, will allow me to express my joy at having gotten back into the sport of cycling.

Through my renewed interest in cycling, I have made some great friends, improved my health and improved my outlook on life as well. Oh yeah, and through the PMC, I help fight cancer.

I hope you enjoy.

Friday, January 18, 2013

2012 Ends and 2013 Begins

Well I usually try to be upbeat about the year end and all the accomplishments that I have achieved, miles ridden, hills climbed, sprints, pacelines and overall positive philosophy but I take a different tone this year.

With the above as a caveat and preface, I will now go back to my more normal approach and talk about how the beginning and middle of the year were great, no beyond great. Spectacular.

I started the year with a strong base of more than 3,000 miles in 2011 and continued to follow and even increase that pace with hard training, better nutrition and a clear focus: Be a better rider, get to 4,000 miles, ride at least three century (100 mile) rides and ride more with my South Shore friends.

April through June were wonderful and I felt like I was on track to achieve all my goals. This was especially true in May when I discovered that my cyclometer had been calibrated incorrectly (yes, by me) and I was actually several hundred miles closer to my goal than I thought. I was also 10% faster than I thought. It was all good until the end of June when I started experiencing some health issues.

These health issues (lower intestinal) were painful but seemed to actually improve when I rode so I continued and even increased my pace and, as you can see from the post below, had an exceptional experience at the Pan Mass Challenge raising more funds than ever and riding really strongly with two very good friends and very strong riders.

Then the crap hit the fan.

Within the next few weeks, my symptoms increased and became increasingly painful. Visits to my Dr and then to a specialist yielded no positive results and I had to start cancelling rides. Then I had to start cancelling more and more until I not only wasn't riding, I was not able to do much of anything.
Surgery was scheduled, strong medication helped get me through the day and finally a procedure was performed to alleviate the pain and correct the issue. Long and short, it helped some but did not do what it was intended to do. Two week recovery turned into more than three months and, while some of the symptoms are gone, I still cannot be back in the saddle very much. VERY FRUSTRATING!!

I ended the year with just under 3,000 miles instead of 4,000 and cancelled all my group rides from Oct through Dec. I'll say it again. VERY FRUSTRATING!!

Now, in 2013, I am a little better but still not back. I am seeking additional help from the best Dr in this field in Boston and by Feb I will know what I need to do to move forward. I have decided that if he says that there is nothing that can be done, I will go back to Rule 5 from the Apostles and get over it.

Who knows what the year will bring but I will think positively, work hard and even do what I am told by the Dr. Yes, I will participate in the PMC again this year. That is my goal. I will do so because it is not about me, it is about fighting cancer.

So, sorry this is not more upbeat, but maybe it really is. In a weird way perhaps I am feeling the need to conquer adversity so that I can help others and, as a byproduct, be a stronger person, mentally if not physically.

2013 is another year of challenge. Just a different kind.